Merry Christmas from Kepstorn
And that (very nearly) is a wrap. The film-maker’s sign-off seems particularly apt for a year where, frankly, you couldn’t have made it up! A convicted felon (and a lot else, besides) is about to be inaugurated as President of the United States. Bitcoin, what most still regard as the froth on (the froth on […]
Kepstorn’s seventeenth birthday
It’s that time of year, again, when the clocks change in the UK and we gain an extra hour of sleep and Kepstorn gains another year in age. 27th October, 2007 – it seems like a lifetime ago and any attempt to relate the current position to the world as it was, back then, now […]
Alabaster (apparently)!
I’m not sure what led me to remember this year, when I haven’t in previous years, but 3rd August marks the thirty-seventh (the “alabaster”) anniversary of me starting my Traineeship; in 1987, for the mathematically challenged! Not a “round number” anniversary, but one that I felt like commenting upon. I joined the then-venerable firm of […]
Merry Christmas from Kepstorn
Whilst it may appear, this year, that good cheer and the Christmas spirit are hard to find (or completely absent), every year presents its own particular challenges to the desire for a peaceful holiday. It may be thought to be myopic or blinkered to seek out the positives in the world today, but how else […]
Kepstorn is Sixteen
Another year older, another year wiser (or, at least, twelve months more experience of life) and what has changed? It would appear, nothing for the better. Looking back over the past few years’ anniversary reports, we have had global pandemics, the growing environmental crisis, war in Europe, economic upheaval and now slaughter and carnage in […]
Merry Christmas from Kepstorn
Did I really start last year’s message with: “Dare I suggest that, this year, I can be reasonably confident that next year will be better than its predecessor?”? Yes, I have to admit that I did, and I have, rather regularly, thought about what lead me to utter such a hostage to fortune! After a […]
Kepstorn is Fifteen
A little late, unfortunately, due to an IT migration (a First World problem, when we see the huge migrations of humanity underway at the moment). Yes, 27th October marked the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of Kepstorn – just as a run started on the Northern Rock (remember them?) and a few months before the […]
Section 213 claims, re-visited
I wanted to draw your attention to a very helpful re-statement (as it turns out) of the law on fraudulent trading (section 213 of the Insolvency Act, 1986) by the High Court in England, handed down on 31st March. The case revolved around the voluminous and very long-running litigation following the liquidation of Bilta (UK) […]
Climbing a mountain to dig a well!
You may have noticed that I didn’t include a link to my usual charity partner in my “Merry Christmas” post. That was because, this year, I had chosen a separate charity, Dig Deep. The reason for doing so was personal – my daughter is climbing Kilimanjaro in August this year to raise funds for this […]
Another Merry Christmas from Kepstorn
Dare I suggest that, this year, I can be reasonably confident that next year will be better than its predecessor? I know that we are facing yet another variant of Covid, which is causing great angst, but it does seem that, as suggested over a year ago, mutations become more transmissible but less deadly, due […]